Social Work Institute

Community Development

SWI implements integrated community development projects (“micro projects”) in rural areas in partnership with graduated SWI students and local organizations. SWI provides technical and managerial supports to build the capacity of local organizations and its alumni. The aim of the community development is to achieve locally owned visions and goals by initiating systematic and sustainable change processes.Currently, SWI works in partnership with 21 CBOs in 14 Districts located in 6 different provinces.

Most CBOs that SWI is partnering with, are registered under the NGO Act and support local development initiatives, therefore act as local support organizations (LSOs). Their objective is to promote development in their communities by initiating new or supporting existing local groups and supporting them to implement activities. Those LSOs link community groups to government bodies; provide trainings, secure funds and coach leaders. In the frame of their partnership with SWI, the LSOs support more than 650 local groups reaching out to nearly 15.000 persons in remote rural areas.

SWI provides support to its partner organizations through

  • Awareness raising, training and technical advice by regional SWI staff and external resource persons
  • Facilitation of exchange of knowledge and experiences (person to person, group to group) by regional SWI staff
  • Financial contributions to local development activities (“Micro Projects”)

Micro Projects focus on local agriculture practices, food security, income generation and women empowerment. Activities are decided and planned by SWI partner organisations. In the exceptional cases of SWI partnerships with informal non-registered groups, the financial and legal responsibility for the implementation of Micro Projects remains with SWI.

SWI Partnerships with local organisations and groups follow a phase model. During the preparation phase, the partnership with a LSO is initiated, either by establishing linkages with an existing LSO or by initiating the creation of a new LSO. The partner organisation is trained in leadership and management issues, and a joined micro-project is elaborated. Government bodies are informed and all necessary approvals secured. A SWI graduate guides the process.

During the implementation phase, the LSO initiates and promotes local groups through providing training, technical advice, coaching on management issues, leadership development, securing scholarship for Dalit students etc. SWI staff helps the LSO whenever needed and organises regular learning events for partner LSOs and “their” groups.

During phasing out, no more new activities are being implemented with the LSOs, but the sustainability of SWI partner organisations is in the focus – strengthen leadership again, develop ideas for their further development.

Once partner organizations are phased out, they are invited to join the SWI network, attending yearly network meetings where they have occasions to exchange with other former SWI students and occasionally participate in trainings (follow up phase).

We continue with a large geographical coverage in our CD partnerships in order to be able to reach remote areas. SWI focus on the Provinces no 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to implement community development partnerships.

Strategic Objectives in Community Development

·         Women and youth constitute consequently the main target group for all CD activities

·         Partnerships are more systematically managed with a clear entry and exit strategy, including “rolling” planning for new partnerships

·         Initiation of new partnerships exclusively through our Social Work alumni

·         Agricultural practices that are based on local resources (knowledge, skills, and technology) are in the focus

·         The role of the regional offices is strengthened by providing more trainings at local and provincial level

Program approaches: 

  • People lead development
  • Right based approach
  • Targeting to mostly vulnerable people from economically poor and socially deprived.
  • Micro project implementation through graduated SWI students

Our ongoing Projects and coverages:

Support for Training Program:

Sn.Name of projectDuration Total beneficiaries   Project districtsName of implementing partners
1Support for Social Work TrainingMar-18Apr-2190454590NepalSWI Training center, Lalitpur
2Protection of Children and promote children’s rights in Lalitpur, KathmanduNov-20Oct-2260303060NepalSWI Training center, Lalitpur
3Capacity Building for CBOsJun-18Jul-203000200020004000Banke, Bardiya, Bajura, Jumla & Kalikot 
4 Strengthening for rural self-relianceMar-18Apr-202500150015003000Jumla, Kanchanpur, Dailakh, Rolpa, Bardiya 
5Sustainable Livelihood and women empowerment KailariApr-19May-22150032511751500Kailali 
6income Generation and Women Empowerment through Cooperative in Humla DistrictNov-17Dec-195000500500HumlaWomen Peace Society, Humla
7Child Safe Guarding ProjectJan-19Dec-19 151530NepalSWI Training Center
8Women Empowerment ProjectJan-19Dec-202000200200SoluWomen Cooperative

Name of Partner Organization:

S.NName of PartnerDistrictTypes of OrganizationRemarks
3Women Development forumBajuraNGO 
4Maigar Samudiak SansthaBardiyaCBO 
5Janajagaran SamajBankeCBNO 
6Trevani Development SocietyBankeCBNO 
7Khadkamai Cooperative BandipurTanahuCoop 
8Dalit women cooperativeBardiyaCoop 
9KDCSS\ Hatemalo CoopJumlaNGO/COOP 
10Hatemalo community Development OrganizationDailakhCBO 
11Janaekata Youth clubRolpaCBO 
12Maigar community development OrganizationBardiyaCBO 
13Janajagriti Bikas samajKanchanpurCBNO 
14Sagarmatha Mahila Sanakishan Krishi SahakariSolukhumbuCoop 
15Samudiak Krishi Sahakari SansthaKailaliCoop 
16Jana Chetana Mahila Saving & Credit COopKailaliCoop 
17Pragatisil Mukta Kamlari Krishi SahakariKailaliCoop 
18Pariwartan Multi Purpose CoopKailaliCoop 
19Krishak Bhalai CooperativeKailaiCoop 
20Namuna Saving & Credit CoopKailali  

Name List of Former Partners:

NoName of PartnerDistrictTypes of OrganizationRemarks
1Marshyangdi Saving & Credit CoopTanahuCoop 
2Community Development OrganizationRolpaCBO 
3Shrijana samajik Udhami Women coopRolpaCoop 
4Dipmala Women saving & credit coopRolpaCoop 
5Janaekata SamajBankeCBNO 
6Jana Ekata krishi coopBankeCoop 
7PEASE Nepal, JumlaJumlaNGO 
8Pargatishil Saving & credit coopJumlaCoop 
9Sahastra ling community OrganaizationBaitadiCBNO 
10Shivaling Women agriculture coop_ BhumeshwarBaitadiCoop 
11Banarasi Women saving & credit coop __ gujarBaitadiCoop 
12Bhumiraj Women Saving & credit coop _ shakarBaitadiCoop 
14Dheblu Atmajagaran Saving & Credit COopOkhaldhungaCoop 
15Udayadev Women saving & credit coop — PatanBaitadiCoop 
16Pargati Women Saving & credit __ DehimanduBaitadiCoop 
17Shankar Women saving & credit coop __ ShankarpurBaitadiCoop 
18Pargatishil women saving & credit coop __ GajariBaitadiCoop 
19Laligurash Women saving & creditBaitadiCoop
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