Social Work Institute

Training Programs

SWI encourages energetic youths to stay in their own communities and work as change maker in the community/country. SWI has been providing different types of training programs to capacitate them from different humanitarian and development aspects. Approximately 9,000 youths took the trainings from SWI since its establishment. Out of total, 766 youths have completed the 9 month’s long “Diploma in social workers training” by 2019. SWI offers the following training programs to the youths in 2019/20.

CTEVT accredited training courses:

Sn.Name of trainingTotal credit hoursDurationStarting DateEnding dateAcademic qualificationLink for brochureRemarks
1.Diploma in Social work14009 months (4month in house training & 5 month Internship)Jan. 2019September+ 2 passed or equivalent  
2.Child protection10006 months ( 3 Month In house training 3 month internship)NovemberMay+ 2 passed or equivalent  
3.Para Legal415   + 2 passed or equivalent As per request from Other
4.Montessorian300   + 2 passed or equivalent As per request from Other
5.Psychosocial counselling6006 months  + 2 passed or equivalent As per request from Other
6Enterprises Development Facilitator1500     As per request from Other

Do you want to take different types of training programs from different humanitarian and development aspects.  If yes, please fill information and be a part of SWI.

Other scheduled short-term training courses:

Sn.Name of trainingDurationTargeted participantsLink for brochure
1ToT on mainstreaming DRR and CCA in local level20-23 Nov. 2019Trainers, Teachers, 
2Cash transfer program and market assessment20-24 March 2020Staff of NGOs Staff of Municipal 
3Sphere standard, CHS and IRA10-12 February 2020Staff of NGOs Staff of Municipal 
4Community led disaster preparedness and management9-13 December 2019Staff of NGOs 
5Training on mobile phone-based data collection tools (KOBO, MAGPI, GIS, etc.)15-17 Oct. 2019University students NGO work Government staffers 
6Result based monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL)26-30 December 2019University students NGO work Government staffers

 Do you want to stay in a roaster of resource persons for the training facilitation? If yes, please fill information and be a part of SWI.

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